See the magic that goes on behind the scenes in Labuk Bay.
The Story Behind
Back in Labuk Bay’s early days, the proboscis monkeys suffered from limited food resources during a particularly dry season. Staff and workers were surprised to discover a raid in their pantry when the monkeys developed a taste for coffee and pancakes. The recipe for the pancakes was then modified to only contain flour and water as a supplementary diet for the monkeys who enjoy this unique menu until this day.

Meet the people that make this sanctuary a home for the wildlife.
“It’s all about the nose.”
Working with the proboscis monkeys on a daily basis, how do you differentiate them?
The easiest way to tell them apart is by the nose! You can tell which are the males and how old they are. Their noses come in different sizes and have their own unique markings too. It’s all about the nose with these monkeys.
What is the most memorable experience you’ve had here?
Back in the earlier years, there was a male we named Putut, which means short and small in Filipino. True to his name, Putut had a shorter and smaller body than the average male. Despite this, he did manage to lead a harem for 2 months as alpha. Unfortunately, size does matter in the wild and Putut was displaced quickly by a bigger, stronger alpha. We think Putut was depressed and took the loss of his title very hard, he disappeared for months after that and we could not find him. Much to our relief, he showed up again later and the bachelors welcomed him back into their ranks, although he was never an alpha again.
What is the hardest part of the job for you?
Although we try to care for the monkeys as much as we are capable, it’s impossible to expect wild animals to understand what we do and cooperate. With territorial disputes and challenges, injuries are unavoidable. While some monkeys allow us to lure them with food and treat their wounds, others are very cautious and skittish. Sometimes, we have no choice but to lose the wounded that succumbed to their injuries.
What do you love most about your job?
I enjoy doing research after spending a whole day observing the monkeys’ behaviour to further understand them. Labuk Bay has always been an attraction for documentary crews, researchers, and students. It’s always a memorable experience to exchange knowledge with them and help them with their research here in the sanctuary.
Learn more about the monkeys that change from gold to silver at our sanctuary.
Plan ahead of your trip and learn the do’s and don’ts when visiting us!
With constant battles for mating rights, life is never boring in the mangroves.